UEW Healthcare! Healing hand for EEOICPA & RECA Beneficiaries

United Energy Workers Healthcare is a family-based medical company. They provide free of cost healthcare services to EEOICPA and RECA beneficiaries. Which differentiates them from all other healthcare companies. The reason behind such a generous act is that they have a family history in the mining of uranium in Blanding, Utah.

Now, Uranium is a radioactive compound. which has horrible outcomes when exposed to the human body like; lung cancer and other lung diseases. Since the people behind UEW Healthcare have a history related to such experiences, they understand and sympathize with the victims who come under EEOICPA and RECA.

Services Provided by UEW Healthcare

United Energy Workers Healthcare in collaboration with four corners healthcare work very hard to provide the best home health care services available for EEOICPA and RECA beneficiaries free of cost. They have a very passionate and experienced staff and offer a wide range of services like;

  • They provide experienced and registered nurses with a valid license of nursing. These nurses give assistive care and help the patient with the medication. They excel at their job and can detect early signs of how the medicines are reacting.
  • They have come up with a certificate program for the families to learn certain skills. Skills that are essential to take care of such patients. It includes: how to take care of such patients, what to feed them, and light housekeeping.
  • They also provide personal help for the patients. Who gives everyday care to them like; going to the washroom, taking care of patients’ hygiene, cooking their meals, etc.

What is EEOICPA?

EEOICPA stands for the energy employees occupational illness compensation program Act which compensates the victims who got affected whilst working for the Department of Energy (DOE). People who got ill due to exposure to radioactive substances while working for the US nuclear weapon industry.

The victims get free medical treatment for certain diseases and compensation of a maximum of $150,000 under part B of EEOICPA. Part E of EEOICPA provides a maximum amount of $250,000 payment with medical benefits to the employees or the survivors.

What is RECA?

RECA stands for radiation exposure compensation act. This is also a federal program that compensates anyone who got affected and developed diseases whilst nuclear weapon testing or during employment in the mines. There are 5 categories under RECA namely;

  • Uranium Miners
  • Uranium Millers
  • Ore Transporters
  • Downwinders
  • People involved in onsite nuclear test

Are You Entitled To Claim Under EEOICPA and RECA?

Part B of the EEOICPA Act come under action in July 2001. To qualify for the claim, the patient should be an employee of the Department of Energy (DOE) and should be diagnosed with chronic silicosis, chronic beryllium disease, and radiogenic cancer. They should be working in the DOE-covered facility when they got the disease.

Part E which came under action on October 28, 2004, compensates the DOE’s contractors, subcontractors, millers, a mine worker, and people in transportation. Section 5 of the RECA defines any illness caused due to intoxication exposure whilst working for DOE will be compensated.

If you do fall in any of these categories, the medical services are free of cost for you. The US government pays it all for you. The family can also file a claim representing their family member who worked at DOE.

To sum it all up, the US government takes up the responsibility for your medical treatments, and UEW Healthcare thanks you for your service.


United Energy Workers Healthcare is a family-based medical company that provides free of cost healthcare services to EEOICPA and RECA beneficiaries. They offer a wide range of services, including experienced and registered nurses, a certificate program for families, and personal help for patients.


Q:1 What is EEOICPA?
EEOICPA stands for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, which compensates victims who got affected while working for the Department of Energy (DOE).

Q:2 What is RECA?
RECA stands for Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. This is also a federal program that compensates anyone who got affected and developed diseases while nuclear weapon testing or during employment in the mines.

Q:3 Are you entitled to claim under EEOICPA and RECA?
You must have been given a diagnosis of chronic silicosis, chronic beryllium illness, or radiogenic cancer in order to be eligible for the claim. You must also be an employee of the Department of Energy (DOE). You should be working in the DOE-covered facility when you got the disease.

Q:4 How do I file a claim?
You can submit a claim by mail or online. On the EEOICPA website, you may find the application form.

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